Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Journey to the dark side
“ during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
Somebody, please take this man's Nobel Peace Prize away!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Perfect Bow

Every time Obama bows there is group of clowns that go crazy on Foxnews. God, how much love that! Just for that entertainment, I am glad that Obama continues to perfect his bow.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
China and Pakistan
On the contrary, Obama's Q&A was not broadcast live in China - worse, it got censored by the government and released later edited by the government run media. The following questions will give a sample of how serious this Q&A has been.
how does Mr. Obama keep fit; who pays for Mrs. Obama’s dresses; does the president like kung pao chicken; is he adept with chopsticks; how much wine can he drink at one sitting; does he allow his children to play games?There were some questions about weapons to Taiwan and economic issues, but the overwhelming issues seem to be the kind quoted above. I draw the comparison to Pakistan because here is a country that we consider as a dump, its rendezvous with democracy has always been questionable and its arms are twisted for any fight that we need them for. Yet, the people for the most part are free to ask and do whatever they want. But, in China, despite its economic success, censorship and oppression have become the way of life, but we don't dare say anything about it. The philosophy that governed the world for centuries - might is right - still seems to be the natural state of affairs, democracy and freedom of expression have only meaning when the leaders do not heed to our demands.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Khalid Sheik Mohammed

6 years ago when Khalid Sheik Mohammed was nabbed from his home in Pakistan, he looked only a bit sleepy and irritated.
Now after years in U.S. custody, he looks like Osama's brother.

Apparently, this is not the first time, Khalid Sheik had been behind bars in American prisons. According to wikipedia.
However, according to a US intelligence summary reported on August 29, 2009 by the Washington Post, his time in the U.S did lead him to become a terrorist. "KSM's limited and negative experience in the United States — which included a brief jail stay because of unpaid bills — almost certainly helped propel him on his path to becoming a terrorist," according to this intelligence summary.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Sea Change

I picked up this book as I wandered around in the library looking for something that would give a glimpse of life at sea. This is all thanks to my recent enthusiasm in learning sailing.
Sea Change by Peter Nichols is nothing profound - it is an ordinary story of an ordinary sailor narrated in ordinary language. It is about his solo voyage across Atlantic in his wooden boat. The life at sea forces him to reflect upon his life, his love and the endless passages done by sailors before him. What it exposes is the soul of a sailor, the longing for the sea, the heart that finds solace in the wilderness of the ocean.
The last line in the book is pretty revealing
What I will do now is to find my way back to sea
Friday, October 02, 2009
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi too lived in tumultuous times, unprecedented violence like holocaust, world war, nuclear annhiliation, but he wasn't conflicted by the idealogies, his steadfast conviction in non-violence as a tool of protest never gave way based on the parties involved in it. But i often wonder, for all of good words by the world leaders, how many of them truly believe in the words of Mahatma Gandhi? Is he just an ideal of bygone times, much like the teachings of Jesus - turn the other cheek? How many christians believe in the puritanical view of non-violence that Jesus preached?
Yet, in today's times, if Mahatma Gandhi lived today, I am afraid if he would have been considered a peacenik oblivious to the real practical politics, pushed to the sidelines and forgotten!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Burning Man Video (source: vimeo.com)
Evolution (Burning Man time lapses) from Delrious on Vimeo.
This is awesome time-lapsed video from Burning Man. ((source: vimeo.com)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
To Rachel Maddow
I have no doubt in believing that there are enough crazies in this country, but even for a liberal like me, I cringe when i see some of these tactics by the media. Don't stoop to the level of Fox news and O'reilly and Glenn Beck, you are far more intelligent than any of them!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Burning Man

5 days at Burning man was a mind blowing experience. It was all that I had imagined it to be and more.
This was my first trip and I had read and heard all about it; but the reality could not be more different, the scale is just beyond imagination. For me, it was a celebration of life, relentless spirit of humanity to push the limits of human potential and a radical form of self expression. Sure, the people get there for various reasons - some for drugs, some for all night partying, some for the wilderness that becomes a city for a week. For me, it was the whole concept of a city that was born out of nothing and disappears into nothing, like life itself, that attracted me to Burning Man in the first place - the only thing that comes alive in the middle is sheer creativity, from kinetic race cars, mutant vehicles to sculptures that defy imagination. In the backdrop of the Black Rock Desert, under the dark night sky, the temporary city never sleeps. To the wee hours of morning, the music, dance and shows continue. With weary legs and groggy eyes, the campers return to their tents only to sleep for an hour or two before returning to the infinite theme camps that adorn the playa. The temple at the Playa is an outstanding experience, the burners write with marker pens on the wooden structure the tales from their hearts, a heart rending emotional and spiritual experience.
We built a shade structure from scratch which turned out to be a humongous project for our skill set, but it still withstood the ruthless sand storms. The self reliance in the harsh climate of the desert is no joke and the spirit of Burning Man does not allow any commerce on the playa. Instead the burners trade things, help each other out - it is a social experiment at one level. The strict rules imposed on the playa is to preserve the fragile ecosystem of the desert.
After 5 days, when I left the Playa, I couldn't help wonder; was it worth it? Absolutely. Would I return? Probably. But I don't know when. There is too much to prepare just for five days; but there are no regrets - it was a thing of beauty.
[edited later]
At dinner table recently, this discussion came up - how green is BM? It is not green or anything getting to burning man and all the preparation you have to do. In fact, that is one of the discussions we had while driving up there. But given the nature of the different elements involved in it, they have tried to make it as eco friendly as possible. It is very unique to get the different elements blended in as well as it has at burning man, art, music, self expression and reliance, extreme nature, no-commerce environment and 50000 people who build a temporary neighborhood and share the values of being good neighbours for a week. if you take any of these elements away, burning man won't be the same. I came back with a sense of awe - the whole experience of construction and destruction, while not green necessarily, symbolizes the life itself - in fact, its origins belong to some budhist ideals i believe. the ability to burn something that you worked dearly for symbolizes the detachment one should feel for everything that surrounds you, with the fire what burns down is more than the physical elements in it, but the desire, ego, pride, and all that. Well, there are infinite ways to look at something like this - the simplest way to look at it is that BM is a celebration of life and its beauty. At the end of it, it is an experience that fills your heart with joy, one should experience (burn!) it to know it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
'Social Studies' by Fran Lebowitz
Friday, August 14, 2009
Newbie in Big Rock Desert
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Another painting
Monday, June 22, 2009
Don't be afraid
she walked in silence,
miles on end, beside her father
through the heartless wilderness
that Iran has become;
a young woman who had dared to dream,
heart to speak out
a whole life to live.
she walked in silence,
stay with me - her father whispered,
so she did, miles on end.
through the distraught neighborhoods,
rooftops resonating with voices of defiance.
roads filled with people after people -
where did all these people come from - she wondered.
then she heard the gunshots,
stay with me - her father held her hands.
they turned back, but too late,
she felt the burning inside her heart,
soaked in blood,
she tripped, her father screamed - stay with me.
Don't be afraid, stay with me - her father wept.
Gazed into eternity, she died in defiance,
She told the world - don't be afraid!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Media in the dark
Really, aren't there other ways to get news for these major corporations? Don't they have telephone contacts with local news agencies and so forth? If indeed this is how it works, it seems like Iranian regime's ban is working to an extent.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The end game

I have been addicted to the news from Iran for the last few days - even in the middle of the night, I checked my twitter feeds to hear the latest from the streets of Iran. It has been an emotional roller coaster seeing the vast sea of humanity filling in every corner of Tehran, defying the supreme leader's order to end the demonstration.
For the longest time, I believed that Iran has more potential to evolve into a real democracy than most of its Arab neighbors. Compared to the monarchies of the Middle East, Iran's elections have been generally fair and square, of course with the catch that the power doesn't lie with the elected president, but it lies with the guardian counsel and supreme leader, who controls the revolutionary guard and the powerful militia. This time, people snapped when the only real thing in the Iranian democracy - the voting - turned out to be fraud; but I am not sure anymore whether it is just the fairness in elections that they want back. Or is it about curtailing the infinite powers of the parallel power structure built by Mullahs. If it is the latter, bloody days are ahead of us. It is ultimately the people's right to build a government they want and deserve; Mousavi's latest statement seems to indicate that the protests will continue. I hope he has a clear goal in mind on how to end this.
PS: How refreshing it is to see U.S keeping a low key and thus passively helping the cause in Iran. There are still reasons to like Obama :)
[picture courtesy: http://niacblog.wordpress.com]
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The stolen election
Hezbollah was defeated in the Lebanese elections. Hamas is facing an energized Fatah in the West Bank and is increasingly unpopular in Gaza. Iraqi Sunnis have ousted the jihadists thanks to the tribal Awakening movement, while the biggest pro-Iranian party in Iraq got trounced in the recent provincial runoff.There is also an assertion here that the more liberal forces are winning and it is the beginning of a trend; as much as I would like to believe that these kind of changes are cyclical - when candidates do not deliver, people vote for a different party and such changes are not uncommon wherever there are free elections.
Glued to the news in bits and pieces and tweets, there are indications that it was a stolen election, but the reality is that people are helpless. Only thing that can be done is to insist on building better mechanisms to prevent fraud in future elections.
To the thousands of people who are marching in the streets of Tehran, your efforts are not in vain. Because of your courage and conviction, some day Iranian people will have a government they deserve -
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Taxi to the other side

Thursday, June 04, 2009
A good possibility
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Elections in India
My rejoice has only to do with the fact that the B.J.P and its cohorts have been shown the door. After 60 years of independence, it looks like we are finally approaching a level of maturity and stability in the electorate. The sinister plans that got BJP its national face for the first time in 90s are not working anymore. The political left's unrelenting in fighting and the age old theatrics of cold war politics will not fly anymore. The progress and prosperity come with maturity; no matter what ideological base you belong to, elections are about compromises and taking the middle road at times even when that is not the right thing to do. In that sense, the far right and the far left have to emerge with a new plan. May be we will see a two party system emerging in India too; while I am dismayed by it in the U.S, it gives an unparallel stability that is much needed for economic prosperity. I believe, the way for the Left in India is to emerge as a political power house that distances itself from the failed ideologies of communism, but focuss on the development that is sustainable and in line with the environment. As for the Right, I'd much prefer that they just disappear from the political arena and move back to the temple grounds.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Bicycle Thief
Poverty and misery in post world war Europe wasn't much different from that of the third world countries today. A man would do anything to keep a job. Bicycle Thief tells the simple story of one such man, the desperate struggle to keep the only job he ever had. Without giving away much of the plot, it makes you think to what extent would you go when you are desperate, when you are unable to go back to a family that depends on your job to keep food on the table. The irony and sadness of human existence is that we often end up what we seek to destroy. A Netflix must watch!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Do not move on
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Painter of Battles
Arturo Perez-Reverte's 'The Painter of Battles' was an accidental find in the crowded airport of Puerto Vallarta on our way back from a vacation. I was looking to find a work from a spanish writer to top off the wonderful time we had in Mexico and this book instantly grabbed my attention.
Arturo is a prolific writer and his work is a reflection on his own years spent reporting wars in various parts of the world. A war photographer is often a witness to the history before it is told and retold, bent and distorted, massaged and manipulated for popular consumption. The story starts at the solitary home of the war photographer in some spanish coastal town; he spends his time painting a mural and swimming in the ocean until the day a man comes looking for him. The visitor had known the painter intimately, studied his works and had a reason to visit him - he wanted to kill the painter for what one of his war photos had done to his life. A deep and enthralling voyage begins down the memory lane sprinkled with his interpretations of the works of the Spanish master painters and his own experiences of photographing the vicious acts of humankind. May be the middle of the book got a bit of long winding and the end may not have been the exact climax you were looking for, but the book captures the loneliness of the souls who share the longing for a peaceful world. It gazes the chaotic world and find the resolutions to the conflicts as the ultimate failure of human imagination. At times it even finds wars to be the natural state of human beings.
This book will remain in my mind as a fine rendition of the front lines of war, much like Sebastiapol. It reiterates my own impressions on the wars we fight every day - what we often miss out when we only see the war between good and evil is that on the battlefields there is only evil.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Open Door to what?
“If you do this, it will be one of the best things for India and one of the worst for Americans, [because] Indians will be forced to innovate at home,” said Subhash B. Dhar, a member of the executive council that runs Infosys, the well-known Indian technology company that sends Indian workers to the U.S. to support a wide range of firms.
“We will buy up all the subprime homes. We will work 18 hours a day to pay for them. We will immediately improve your savings rate — no Indian bank today has more than 2 percent nonperforming loans because not paying your mortgage is considered shameful here. And we will start new companies to create our own jobs and jobs for more Americans.”Yes, fresh off the boat, they will buy the properties here. Frieman should really find out about the H1B life cycle. Buying a home is neither a priority nor affordable for a temporary worker.
I would have loved to have seen the stimulus package include a government-funded venture capital bank to help finance all the start-ups that are clearly not starting up todayHere, again, he is exposing his ignorance on how startups in silicon valley work. Money isn't the major ingredient for the startup to succeed. Often startups are started in tens of millions of dollars and sometimes even less. The passion for innovation coupled with a very tight and prudent management is what makes some of these startups successful - the success ratio even then is really small. If the government manages it, the success ratio will be even far less - I am no fan of Milton Friedman's economic theories, as a matter of fact, in light of the recent events, his ideas would be deemed unfit, but one thing he got right was that if people knew the government was behind certain initiatives, they would shift their behavior. A startup in its very essence gives value to innovation, speed, operational efficiency, and lack of red tape - every single of these is an issue with government managed programs.
He also cited a recent study by William R. Kerr of Harvard Business School and William F. Lincoln of the University of Michigan that “found that in periods when H-1B visa numbers went down, so did patent applications filed by immigrants [in the U.S.]. And when H-1B visa numbers went up, patent applications followed suit.”Yes, when there are more immigrants, the patents filed by immigrants are more. That is genius!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Spending during Recession
Where does $800 billion go?
- Educational Investments ($141.6 billion):
- Tax cuts (275 billion)
- Health care investments ($112.1 billion):
- Welfare/unemployment ($102 billion):
- Infrastructure investments ($90 billion):
- Energy investments ($58 billion):
- Telecommunications investments
- $650 million for Digital TV-to-analog converter box coupons and Digital TV education.
- $350 million for a broadband data collection effort to allow states to track--and specifically, map--the availability of broadband access
- $2.85 billion to implement a wireless and broadband deployment grants program, with $1 billion of that set going to wireless.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Voice of new America
I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
One state with equal rights
Hamas's lack of creativity should not have decisively shaped the broader context of Palestinian politics, as polls rarely showed its popularity exceeding 20 per cent.Looking back at 60 years of failed policies, broken promises and violence from both sides, Mark LeVine's road to peace is an interesting proposition.
However, by 2002, with negotiations nowhere in sight, whole regions of cities such as Nablus and Jenin destroyed, and Israel sewing chaos across the West Bank and in so doing destroying the basic foundations of PA rule, Hamas's power was rising quickly.
On the outset, this is a solution that makes most sense from a rational standpoint and have parallels to the South Africa anti-apartheid movement. But I don't think either party, Israel or Hamas would like to see this happen. For Israel, this changes the demographics significantly - add 2-3 million to the existing <1million>The futility of violence as a strategy to achieve either society's core objectives has never been so clearly on display, as has the bankruptcy of a two-state solution that was likely miscarried at the very inception of the peace process a decade and a half ago.
It is not likely that Israel will emerge from this tragedy ready to offer Palestinians a territorially viable Palestinian state.
However, it seems more likely that the two-state solution will remain as illusive in the near future as it has in the past.In such a situation Palestinians face a choice: continue to play by Israel's rules and see their dreams of independence disappear for at least another generation, or change the rules by demanding the same rights enjoyed by Israelis over the entirety of historic Palestine.
By taking heed of Olmert's warning, Palestinians can begin the journey towards a future in which Jews and Palestinians can share the land of historical Palestine/Eretz Yisrael for the benefit of both peoples, rather than at the expense of the other.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
War Machines of 21st century

Wired War isn't a page from a science fiction. It is a fascinating but chilling story on the evolution of warfare. NPR has an interview with the author of this book, P.W. Singer.
With the ease of playing a computer game, the designated 'soldiers' work out of their offices in California and Arizona to fly the unmanned drones over the desired targets half way across the world and they kill. The precision of their attacks and the legality of these operations are unknown. Detached from the battlegrounds, these 'soldiers', after their regular killings, go back to their homes and have dinner with their family. Some might argue that this is the natural evolution of war, but to me this is morally reprehensible. And if you think this is something of a prototype that has limited use, there are 5000+ of these in use. This is one way to reduce the American casualties, especially if you are not counting the deaths on the other side.
Listen to this transcript.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The end of the massacre, for now.
In the larger context, people will forget this invasion too, especially in the U.S. The euphoria around the new president will invariably mask the unspeakable horrors of this illegal invasion. While the Gazans patch up what is left of their lives and loved ones, the rest of the world can look away -
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Gaza burning
The United States late Saturday blocked approval of a U.N. Security Council statement calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel and expressing concern at the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas.
The ground invasion has begun and the blood continues to flow in Gaza. A million plus people are held hostage. If past such incursions are any indication, the carnage would be catastrophic. The blogs from Palestine are a good window to what is going on there, of course only until they are cut off.
This is a feed aggregation on several palestinian blogs.
Here is a more heart breaking report from Gaza.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Destruction and Creation
As Robert Fisk put it
And always Mr Bush Snr or Mr Clinton or Mr Bush Jnr or Mr Blair or Mr Brown have called upon both sides to exercise "restraint" – as if the Palestinians and the Israelis both have F-18s and Merkava tanks and field artillery. Hamas's home-made rockets have killed just 20 Israelis in eight years, but a day-long blitz by Israeli aircraft that kills almost 300 Palestinians is just par for the course.
But of course, this is not any different from any of the earlier incursions by Israel. This time too they may be able to kill a few Hamas operatives; but they have already created another generation of suicide bombers in the process.